

noncomputable def SteinsLemma.OptimalHypothesisRate {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] (ρ : MState d) (ε : ) (S : Set (MState d)) :

The optimal hypothesis testing rate, for a tolerance ε: given a state ρ and a set of states S, the optimum distinguishing rate that allows a probability ε of errors.

Instances For
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      noncomputable def Prob.negLog :

      Map a probability [0,1] to [0,+∞] with -log p. Special case that 0 maps to +∞ (not 0, as Real.log does). This makes it Antitone.

      TODO: Pull out into another file? Maybe?

      Instances For
        theorem SteinsLemma.OptimalHypothesisRate_singleton {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] {ρ σ : MState d} {ε : } :
        OptimalHypothesisRate ρ ε {σ} = ⨅ (T : { m : HermitianMat d // MState.exp_val (1 - m) ρ ε 0 m m 1 }), MState.exp_val (↑T) σ,

        Lemma 5

        Theorem 4, which is also called the Generalized Quantum Stein's Lemma in Hayashi & Yamasaki