A ResourcePretheory
is a family of Hilbert spaces closed under tensor products, with an instance of
and DecidableEq
for each. It forms a pre-structure then on which to discuss resource
theories. For instance, to talk about "two-party scenarios", we could write ResourcePretheory (ℕ × ℕ)
with H (a,b) := (Fin a) × (Fin b)
- H : ι → Type u_2
The indexing of each Hilbert space
Each space is finite
- DecEqH (i : ι) : DecidableEq (H i)
Each object has decidable equality
Each space is nonempty (dimension at least 1)
- prod : ι → ι → ι
The Hilbert spaces must have a product structure.
The product structure induces an isomorphism of Hilbert spaces
The prod
operation of ResourcePretheory
gives the natural product operation on MState
s. Accessible
by the notation ρ₁ ⊗ᵣ ρ₂
- ResourcePretheory.prodRelabel ρ₁ ρ₂ = (ρ₁⊗ρ₂).relabel (ResourcePretheory.prodEquiv i j)
Instances For
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Instances For
The prod
operation of ResourcePretheory
gives the natural product operation on CPTPMap
s. Accessible
by the notation M₁ ⊗ᵣ M₂
- ResourcePretheory.prodCPTPMap M₁ M₂ = (CPTPMap.of_equiv (ResourcePretheory.prodEquiv j l).symm).compose ((M₁⊗M₂).compose (CPTPMap.of_equiv (ResourcePretheory.prodEquiv i k)))
Instances For
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Instances For
Powers of spaces. Defined for PNat
so that we don't have zeroth powers.
- ResourcePretheory.spacePow i n = Nat.rec i (fun (x : ℕ) (j : ι) => ResourcePretheory.prod i j) n.natPred
Instances For
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Instances For
Powers of states. Defined for PNat
, so that we don't have zeroth powers
- ResourcePretheory.statePow ρ n = Nat.rec ρ (fun (x : ℕ) (σ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H (ResourcePretheory.spacePow i x.succPNat))) => ResourcePretheory.prodRelabel ρ σ) n.natPred
Instances For
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Instances For
A FreeStateTheory
is a collection of mixed states (MState
s) in a ResourcePretheory
that obeys
some necessary axioms:
- For each Hilbert space
H i
, the free states are a closed, convex set - For each Hilbert space
H i
, there is a free state of full rank - If
ρᵢ ∈ H i
andρⱼ ∈ H j
are free, thenρᵢ ⊗ ρⱼ
is free inH (prod i j)
- prod : ι → ι → ι
- IsFree {i : ι} : Set (MState (ResourcePretheory.H i))
The set of states we're calling "free"
The set F(H) of free states is closed
The set F(H) of free states is convex (more precisely, their matrices are)
- free_prod {i j : ι} {ρ₁ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H i)} {ρ₂ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H j)} (h₁ : IsFree ρ₁) (h₂ : IsFree ρ₂) : IsFree (ResourcePretheory.prodRelabel ρ₁ ρ₂)
The set of free states is closed under tensor product
- free_fullRank (i : ι) : ∃ (ρ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H i)), 0 < ↑ρ ∧ IsFree ρ
The set F(H) of free states contains a full-rank state
, equivalentlyρfull
is positive definite.
- RelativeEntResource ρ = WithTop.untop (⨅ σ ∈ FreeStateTheory.IsFree, 𝐃(ρ‖σ)) ⋯
Instances For
Instances For
Instances For
A sequence of operations f_n
is asymptotically nongenerating if lim_{n→∞} RG(f_n(ρ_n)) = 0
, where
RG is GlobalRobustness
and ρ_n
is any sequence of free states. Equivalently, we can take the max
over operations and states) on the left-hand side inside the limit.
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