

Quantum notions of information and entropy.

def Sᵥₙ {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] (ρ : MState d) :

Von Neumann entropy of a mixed state.

Instances For
    def qConditionalEnt {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] (ρ : MState (dA × dB)) :

    The Quantum Conditional Entropy S(ρᴬ|ρᴮ) is given by S(ρᴬᴮ) - S(ρᴮ).

    Instances For
      def qMutualInfo {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] (ρ : MState (dA × dB)) :

      The Quantum Mutual Information I(A:B) is given by S(ρᴬ) + S(ρᴮ) - S(ρᴬᴮ).

      Instances For
        def coherentInfo {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] (ρ : MState d₁) (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

        The Coherent Information of a state ρ pasing through a channel Λ is the negative conditional entropy of the image under Λ of the purification of ρ.

        Instances For
          def qRelativeEnt {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] (ρ σ : MState d) :

          The quantum relative entropy S(ρ‖σ) = Tr[ρ (log ρ - log σ)].

          Instances For
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem qRelativeEnt_ker {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] {ρ σ : MState d} (h : LinearMap.ker (Matrix.toLin' σ.toSubtype) LinearMap.ker (Matrix.toLin' ρ.toSubtype)) :
              𝐃(ρσ) = ((↑ρ).inner ((↑ρ).log - (↑σ).log))

              Quantum relative entropy as Tr[ρ (log ρ - log σ)] when supports are correct.

              theorem qRelativeEnt_relabel {d : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₂] [DecidableEq d] (ρ σ : MState d) (e : d₂ d) :

              The quantum relative entropy is unchanged by MState.relabel

              def qcmi {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] (ρ : MState (dA × dB × dC)) :

              The Quantum Conditional Mutual Information, I(A;C|B) = S(A|B) - S(A|BC).

              Instances For
                def SandwichedRelRentropy {d : Type u_1} [DecidableEq d] [Fintype d] (α : ) (ρ σ : MState d) :

                The Sandwiched Renyi Relative Entropy, defined with ln (nits). Note that at α = 1 this definition switch to the standard Relative Entropy, for continuity.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    theorem qRelativeEnt_rank {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] {ρ σ : MState d} (h : LinearMap.ker (Matrix.toLin' σ.toSubtype) = ) :
                    𝐃(ρσ) = ((↑ρ).inner ((↑ρ).log - (↑σ).log))

                    Quantum relative entropy when σ has full rank

                    theorem qRelativeEnt_additive {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ₁ σ₁ : MState d₁) (ρ₂ σ₂ : MState d₂) :
                    𝐃(ρ₁ρ₂σ₁σ₂) = 𝐃(ρ₁σ₁) + 𝐃(ρ₂σ₂)

                    The quantum relative entropy is additive when the inputs are product states

                    theorem qRelativeEnt_joint_convexity {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] (ρ₁ ρ₂ σ₁ σ₂ : MState d) (p : Prob) :
                    𝐃(p[ρ₁ρ₂]p[σ₁σ₂]) p * 𝐃(ρ₁σ₁) + (1 - p) * 𝐃(ρ₂σ₂)

                    Joint convexity of Quantum relative entropy. We can't state this with ConvexOn because that requires an AddCommMonoid, which MStates are not. Instead we state it with Mixable.


                    • Add the Mixable instance that infers from the Coe so that the right hand side can be written as p [qRelativeEnt ρ₁ σ₁ ↔ qRelativeEnt ρ₂ σ₂]
                    • Define (joint) convexity as its own thing - a ConvexOn for Mixable types.
                    • Maybe, more broadly, find a way to make ConvexOn work with the subset of Matrix that corresponds to MState.
                    theorem Sᵥₙ_nonneg {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] (ρ : MState d) :

                    von Neumman entropy is nonnegative.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_le_log_d {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] (ρ : MState d) :

                    von Neumman entropy is at most log d.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_of_pure_zero {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] (ψ : Ket d) :

                    von Neumman entropy of pure states is zero.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_of_SWAP_eq {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    von Neumann entropy is unchanged under SWAP. TODO: All unitaries

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_of_assoc_eq {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} {d₃ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState ((d₁ × d₂) × d₃)) :

                    von Neumann entropy is unchanged under assoc.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_of_assoc'_eq {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} {d₃ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState (d₁ × d₂ × d₃)) :

                    von Neumann entropy is unchanged under assoc'.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_of_partial_eq {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ψ : Ket (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    von Neumman entropies of the left- and right- partial trace of pure states are equal.

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_weak_monotonicity {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] [DecidableEq dA] [DecidableEq dB] [DecidableEq dC] (ρ : MState (dA × dB × dC)) :
                    let ρAB := ρ.assoc'.traceRight; let ρAC := ρ.SWAP.assoc.traceLeft.SWAP; 0 qConditionalEnt ρAB + qConditionalEnt ρAC

                    Weak monotonicity of quantum conditional entropy. S(A|B) + S(A|C) ≥ 0

                    theorem SandwichedRelRentropy_additive {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (α : ) (ρ₁ σ₁ : MState d₁) (ρ₂ σ₂ : MState d₂) :
                    D̃_ α(ρ₁ρ₂σ₁σ₂) = D̃_ α(ρ₁σ₁) + D̃_ α(ρ₂σ₂)

                    The Sandwiched Renyi Relative entropy is additive when the inputs are product states

                    theorem qConditionalEnt_of_pure_symm {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ψ : Ket (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    Quantum conditional entropy is symmetric for pure states.

                    theorem qMutualInfo_symm {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    Quantum mutual information is symmetric.

                    theorem qMutualInfo_as_qRelativeEnt {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [DecidableEq dA] [DecidableEq dB] (ρ : MState (dA × dB)) :

                    I(A:B) = S(AB‖ρᴬ⊗ρᴮ)

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_subadditivity {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    "Ordinary" subadditivity of von Neumann entropy

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_triangle_subaddivity {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ : MState (d₁ × d₂)) :

                    Araki-Lieb triangle inequality on von Neumann entropy

                    theorem Sᵥₙ_strong_subadditivity {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} {d₃ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ₁₂₃ : MState (d₁ × d₂ × d₃)) :
                    let ρ₁₂ := ρ₁₂₃.assoc'.traceRight; let ρ₂₃ := ρ₁₂₃.traceLeft; let ρ₂ := ρ₁₂₃.traceLeft.traceRight; Sᵥₙ ρ₁₂₃ + Sᵥₙ ρ₂ Sᵥₙ ρ₁₂ + Sᵥₙ ρ₂₃

                    Strong subadditivity on a tripartite system

                    theorem qConditionalEnt_strong_subadditivity {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} {d₃ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ₁₂₃ : MState (d₁ × d₂ × d₃)) :

                    Strong subadditivity, stated in terms of conditional entropies. Also called the data processing inequality. H(A|BC) ≤ H(A|B).

                    theorem qMutualInfo_strong_subadditivity {d₁ : Type u_2} {d₂ : Type u_3} {d₃ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (ρ₁₂₃ : MState (d₁ × d₂ × d₃)) :
                    qMutualInfo ρ₁₂₃ qMutualInfo ρ₁₂₃.assoc'.traceRight

                    Strong subadditivity, stated in terms of quantum mutual information. I(A;BC) ≥ I(A;B).

                    theorem qcmi_nonneg {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] [DecidableEq dA] [DecidableEq dB] [DecidableEq dC] (ρ : MState (dA × dB × dC)) :
                    0 qcmi ρ

                    The quantum conditional mutual information QCMI is nonnegative.

                    theorem qcmi_le_2_log_dim {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] [DecidableEq dA] [DecidableEq dB] [DecidableEq dC] (ρ : MState (dA × dB × dC)) :

                    The quantum conditional mutual information QCMI ρABC is at most 2 log dA.

                    theorem qcmi_le_2_log_dim' {dA : Type u_5} {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} [Fintype dA] [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] [DecidableEq dA] [DecidableEq dB] [DecidableEq dC] (ρ : MState (dA × dB × dC)) :

                    The quantum conditional mutual information QCMI ρABC is at most 2 log dC.

                    theorem qcmi_chain_rule {dB : Type u_6} {dC : Type u_7} {dA₁ : Type u_8} {dA₂ : Type u_9} [Fintype dB] [Fintype dC] [Fintype dA₁] [Fintype dA₂] [DecidableEq dB] [DecidableEq dC] [DecidableEq dA₁] [DecidableEq dA₂] (ρ : MState ((dA₁ × dA₂) × dB × dC)) :
                    let ρA₁BC := ρ.assoc.SWAP.assoc.traceLeft.SWAP; let ρA₂BA₁C := ((CPTPMap.idCPTPMap.assoc').compose (CPTPMap.assoc.compose ( ρ; qcmi ρ = qcmi ρA₁BC + qcmi ρA₂BA₁C

                    The chain rule for quantum conditional mutual information: I(A₁A₂ : C | B) = I(A₁:C|B) + I(A₂:C|BA₁).