A quantum resource theory extends a FreeStateTheory
with a collection of free operations. It is
required that any state we can always prepare for free must be free, and this is all then the resource
theory is "minimal", but we can have a more restricted set of operations.
- prod : ι → ι → ι
- free_prod {i j : ι} {ρ₁ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H i)} {ρ₂ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H j)} (h₁ : IsFree ρ₁) (h₂ : IsFree ρ₂) : IsFree (ResourcePretheory.prodRelabel ρ₁ ρ₂)
- freeOps (i j : ι) : Set (CPTPMap (ResourcePretheory.H i) (ResourcePretheory.H j))
- nongenerating {i j : ι} {f : CPTPMap (ResourcePretheory.H i) (ResourcePretheory.H j)} (h : f ∈ freeOps i j) (ρ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H i)) : FreeStateTheory.IsFree ρ → FreeStateTheory.IsFree (f ρ)
Free operations in a ResourceTheory are nongenerating: they only create a free states from a free state.
The identity operation is free
Free operations are closed under composition
Given a FreeStateTheory
, there is a maximal set of free operations compatible with the free states.
That is the set of all operations that don't generate non-free states from free states. We
call this the maximal resource theory.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A resource theory IsMaximal
if it includes all non-generating operations.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
A resource theory IsTensorial
if it includes tensor products of operations, creating
free states, and discarding. This implies that includes a unit object.
- prod {i j k l : ι} {f : CPTPMap (ResourcePretheory.H i) (ResourcePretheory.H k)} {g : CPTPMap (ResourcePretheory.H j) (ResourcePretheory.H l)} : f ∈ freeOps i k → g ∈ freeOps j l → ResourcePretheory.prodCPTPMap f g ∈ freeOps (ResourcePretheory.prod i j) (ResourcePretheory.prod k l)
- create {i : ι} (ρ : MState (ResourcePretheory.H i)) : FreeStateTheory.IsFree ρ → CPTPMap.const_state ρ ∈ freeOps ResourcePretheory.Unital.unit i
Instances For
The theory ResourceTheory.maximal
always IsMaximal
A ResourceTheory
can be constructed from a set of operations (satisfying appropriate axioms of closure),
and then the free states are taken to be the set of states that can be prepared from any initial state.
- ResourceTheory.mk_of_ops O h_id h_comp h_closed h_convex h_prod h_fullRank h_appendFree = ResourceTheory.mk O ⋯ h_id ⋯
Instances For
A ResourceTheory
provides a category structure
The 'fully free' quantum resource theory: the category is all finite Hilbert spaces, all maps are
free and all states are free. Marked noncomputable because we assume that all types have DecidableEq
- ResourceTheory.fullyFreeQRT = ResourceTheory.mk (fun (x x_1 : { ι : Type // Finite ι ∧ Nonempty ι }) => Set.univ) ⋯ ResourceTheory.fullyFreeQRT.proof_9 @ResourceTheory.fullyFreeQRT.proof_10