Basic definitions about topological spaces #
This file contains definitions about topology that do not require imports
other than Mathlib.Data.Set.Lattice
Main definitions #
TopologicalSpace X
: a typeclass endowingX
with a topology. By definition, a topology is a collection of sets called open sets such thatisOpen_univ
: the whole space is open;IsOpen.inter
: the intersection of two open sets is an open set;isOpen_sUnion
: the union of a family of open sets is an open set.
IsOpen s
: predicate saying thats
is an open set, same asTopologicalSpace.IsOpen
.IsClosed s
: a set is called closed, if its complement is an open set. For technical reasons, this is a typeclass.IsClopen s
: a set is clopen if it is both closed and open.interior s
: the interior of a sets
is the maximal open set that is included ins
.closure s
: the closure of a sets
is the minimal closed set that includess
.frontier s
: the frontier of a set is the set differenceclosure s \ interior s
. A pointx
belongs tofrontier s
, if any neighborhood ofx
contains points both froms
.Dense s
: a set is dense if its closure is the whole space. We define it as∀ x, x ∈ closure s
so that one can write(h : Dense s) x
.DenseRange f
: a function has dense range, ifSet.range f
is a dense set.Continuous f
: a map is continuous, if the preimage of any open set is an open set.IsOpenMap f
: a map is an open map, if the image of any open set is an open set.IsClosedMap f
: a map is a closed map, if the image of any closed set is a closed set.
** Notation
We introduce notation IsOpen[t]
, IsClosed[t]
, closure[t]
, Continuous[t₁, t₂]
that allow passing custom topologies to these predicates and functions without using @
A topology on X
A predicate saying that a set is an open set. Use
in the root namespace instead.- isOpen_univ : TopologicalSpace.IsOpen Set.univ
The set representing the whole space is an open set. Use
in the root namespace instead. - isOpen_inter (s t : Set X) : TopologicalSpace.IsOpen s → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen t → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen (s ∩ t)
The intersection of two open sets is an open set. Use
instead. - isOpen_sUnion (s : Set (Set X)) : (∀ (t : Set X), t ∈ s → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen t) → TopologicalSpace.IsOpen (⋃₀ s)
The union of a family of open sets is an open set. Use
in the root namespace instead.
- AddOpposite.instTopologicalSpaceAddOpposite
- AddUnits.instTopologicalSpaceAddUnits
- CPTPMap.instTop
- CofiniteTopology.instTopologicalSpace
- ConnectedComponents.instTopologicalSpace
- ContinuousLinearMap.topologicalSpace
- ContinuousMap.compactOpen
- ContinuousMapZero.instTopologicalSpace
- ContinuousMultilinearMap.instTopologicalSpace
- ENNReal.instTopologicalSpace
- EReal.instTopologicalSpace
- Filter.instTopologicalSpace
- MState.instTopoMState
- MulOpposite.instTopologicalSpaceMulOpposite
- NNReal.instTopologicalSpace
- OrderDual.instTopologicalSpace
- Path.topologicalSpace
- Pi.topologicalSpace
- QuotientAddGroup.instTopologicalSpace
- QuotientGroup.instTopologicalSpace
- QuotientModule.Quotient.topologicalSpace
- TopologicalSpace.Opens.CompleteCopy.inst
- ULift.topologicalSpace
- UniformConvergenceCLM.instTopologicalSpace
- UniformFun.topologicalSpace
- UniformOnFun.topologicalSpace
- Units.instTopologicalSpaceUnits
- WeakBilin.instTopologicalSpace
- WeakDual.instTopologicalSpace
- WeakSpace.instTopologicalSpace
- WithLp.instProdTopologicalSpace
- instCircleTopologicalSpace
- instTopologicalSpaceAdditive
- instTopologicalSpaceBool
- instTopologicalSpaceEmpty
- instTopologicalSpaceFin
- instTopologicalSpaceInt
- instTopologicalSpaceMatrix
- instTopologicalSpaceMultiplicative
- instTopologicalSpaceNat
- instTopologicalSpacePEmpty
- instTopologicalSpacePUnit
- instTopologicalSpaceProd
- instTopologicalSpaceQuot
- instTopologicalSpaceQuotient
- instTopologicalSpaceSeparationQuotient
- instTopologicalSpaceSigma
- instTopologicalSpaceSignType
- instTopologicalSpaceSubtype
- instTopologicalSpaceSum
- sierpinskiSpace
- t2Quotient.instTopologicalSpace
- topologicalRingQuotientTopology
Predicates on sets #
IsOpen s
means that s
is open in the ambient topological space on X
A set is closed if its complement is open
The complement of a closed set is an open set.
A set is locally closed if it is the intersection of some open set and some closed set.
Also see isLocallyClosed_tfae
and other lemmas in Mathlib/Topology/LocallyClosed.lean
The coborder is defined as the complement of closure s \ s
or the union of s
and the complement of ∂(s)
This is the largest set in which s
is closed, and s
is locally closed if and only if
coborder s
is open.
This is unnamed in the literature, and this name is due to the fact that coborder s = (border sᶜ)ᶜ
where border s = s \ interior s
is the border in the sense of Hausdorff.
f : α → X
has dense range if its range (image) is a dense subset of X
- DenseRange f = Dense (Set.range f)
A function between topological spaces is continuous if the preimage of every open set is open. Registered as a structure to make sure it is not unfolded by Lean.
The preimage of an open set under a continuous function is an open set. Use
Instances For
A map f : X → Y
is said to be a closed map,
if the image of any closed U : Set X
is closed in Y
An open quotient map is an open map f : X → Y
which is both an open map and a quotient map.
Equivalently, it is a surjective continuous open map.
We use the latter characterization as a definition.
Many important quotient maps are open quotient maps, including
- the quotient map from a topological space to its quotient by the action of a group;
- the quotient map from a topological group to its quotient by a normal subgroup;
- the quotient map from a topological spaace to its separation quotient.
Contrary to general quotient maps,
the category of open quotient maps is closed under
- surjective : Function.Surjective f
An open quotient map is surjective.
- continuous : Continuous f
An open quotient map is continuous.
- isOpenMap : IsOpenMap f
An open quotient map is an open map.
Notation for non-standard topologies #
Notation for IsOpen
with respect to a non-standard topology.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Notation for IsClosed
with respect to a non-standard topology.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Notation for closure
with respect to a non-standard topology.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Notation for Continuous
with respect to a non-standard topologies.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
The property BaireSpace α
means that the topological space α
has the Baire property:
any countable intersection of open dense subsets is dense.
Formulated here when the source space is ℕ.
Use dense_iInter_of_isOpen
which works for any countable index type instead.