Entanglement measures. (Mixed) convex roof extensions. Definition of product / separable / entangled states
are in Braket.lean
and/or MState.lean
Important definitions:
: Convex roof extension ofg : Ket d → ℝ≥0
: Mixed convex roof extension off : MState d → ℝ≥0
: Entanglement of Formation
- Other entanglement measures (not necessarily based on convex roof extensions). In roughly increasing order of difficulty to implement: (Logarithmic) Negativity, Entanglement of Purification, Squashed Entanglement, Relative Entropy of Entanglement, Entanglement Cost, Distillable Entanglement. For a compendium on the zoo of entanglement measures, see [1] Christandl, Matthias. “The Structure of Bipartite Quantum States - Insights from Group Theory and Cryptography.” https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.quant-ph/0604183.
- Define classes of entanglement measures with good properties, including: monotonicity under LOCC (easier: just LO), monotonicity on average under LOCC, convexity (if the latter two are present, it is called an entanglement monotone by some), vanishing on separable states, normalized on the maximally entangled state, (sub)additivity, regularisible. For other properties, see [1] above and: [2] Szalay, Szilárd. “Multipartite Entanglement Measures.” (mainly Sec. IV) https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevA.92.042329. [3] Horodecki, Ryszard, Paweł Horodecki, Michał Horodecki, and Karol Horodecki. “Quantum Entanglement.” https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.81.865.
- Useful properties of convex roof extensions:
- If f is monotonically non-increasing under LOCC, so is its convex roof.
- If f ψ is zero if and only if ψ is a product state, then its convex roof is faithful: zero if and only if the mixed state is separable For other properties, see Sec. IV.F of [2] above.
Convex roof extension of a function g : Ket d → ℝ≥0
, defined as the infimum of all pure-state
ensembles of a given ρ
of the average of g
in that ensemble.
This is valued in the extended nonnegative real numbers ℝ≥0∞
to have good properties of the infimum, which
come from the fact that ℝ≥0∞
is a complete lattice. For example, it is necessary for le_iInf
and iInf_le_of_le
However, it is also proven in convex_roof_ne_top
that the convex roof is never ∞
, so the definition convex_roof
be used in most applications.
- convex_roof_ENNReal g ρ = ⨅ (n : ℕ+), ⨅ (e : PEnsemble d (Fin ↑n)), ⨅ (_ : Ensemble.mix ↑e = ρ), ↑(Ensemble.pure_average_NNReal g e)
Instances For
Mixed convex roof extension of a function f : MState d → ℝ≥0
, defined as the infimum of all mixed-state
ensembles of a given ρ
of the average of f
on that ensemble.
This is valued in the extended nonnegative real numbers ℝ≥0∞
to have good properties of the infimum, which
come from the fact that ℝ≥0∞
is a complete lattice (see ENNReal.instCompleteLinearOrder
). However,
it is also proven in mixed_convex_roof_ne_top
that the mixed convex roof is never ∞
, so the definition mixed_convex_roof
be used in most applications.
- mixed_convex_roof_ENNReal f ρ = ⨅ (n : ℕ+), ⨅ (e : MEnsemble d (Fin ↑n)), ⨅ (_ : Ensemble.mix e = ρ), ↑(Ensemble.average_NNReal f e)
Instances For
The convex roof extension convex_roof_ENNReal
is never ∞.
The convex roof extension mixed_convex_roof_ENNReal
is never ∞.
Convex roof extension of a function g : Ket d → ℝ≥0
, defined as the infimum of all pure-state
ensembles of a given ρ
of the average of g
in that ensemble.
This is valued in the nonnegative real numbers ℝ≥0
by applying ENNReal.toNNReal
to convex_roof_ENNReal
. Hence,
it should be used in proofs alongside convex_roof_ne_top
- convex_roof g x = WithTop.untop (convex_roof_ENNReal g x) ⋯
Instances For
Mixed convex roof extension of a function f : MState d → ℝ≥0
, defined as the infimum of all mixed-state
ensembles of a given ρ
of the average of f
on that ensemble.
This is valued in the nonnegative real numbers ℝ≥0
by applying ENNReal.toNNReal
to mixed_convex_roof_ENNReal
. Hence,
it should be used in proofs alongside mixed_convex_roof_ne_top
- mixed_convex_roof f x = WithTop.untop (mixed_convex_roof_ENNReal f x) ⋯
Instances For
Entanglement of Formation of bipartite systems. It is the convex roof extension of the
von Neumann entropy of one of the subsystems (here chosen to be the left one, but see Entropy.Sᵥₙ_of_partial_eq
- EoF = convex_roof fun (ψ : Ket (d₁ × d₂)) => ⟨Sᵥₙ (MState.pure ψ).traceRight, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The entanglement of formation of the maximally entangled state with on-site dimension 𝕕 is log(𝕕).