

Quantum Capacity #

This focuses on defining and proving theorems about the quantum capacity, the maximum asymptotic rate at which quantum information can be coherently transmitted. The precise definition is not consistent in the literature, see Capacity_doc for a note on what has been used and how that was used to arrive at the following definition:

  1. A channel A Emulates another channel B if there are D and E such that D∘A∘E = B.
  2. A channel A εApproximates channel B (of the same dimensions) if the for every state ρ, the fidelity F(A(ρ), B(ρ)) is at least 1-ε.
  3. A channel A AchievesRate R:ℝ if for every ε>0, n copies of A emulates some channel B such that log2(dimout(B))/n ≥ R, and that B is εApproximately the identity.
  4. The quantumCapacity of the channel A is the supremum of the achievable rates, i.e. sSup { R : ℝ | AchievesRate A R }.

The most basic facts:

The nice lemmas we would want:

Then, we should show that our definition is equivalent to some above. Most, except (3), should be not too hard to prove.

Then the LSD theorem establishes that the single-copy coherent information is a lower bound. This is stated in coherentInfo_le_quantumCapacity. The corollary, that the n-copy coherent information converges to the capacity, is quantumCapacity_eq_piProd_coherentInfo.


The only notion of "capacity" here currently is "quantum capacity" in the usual sense. But there are several non-equal capacities relevant to quantum channels, see e.g. Watrous's notes for a list:

And other important theorems like superdense coding, nonadditivity, superactivation

def CPTPMap.Emulates {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} {d₃ : Type u_3} {d₄ : Type u_4} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [Fintype d₄] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] [DecidableEq d₃] (Λ₁ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (Λ₂ : CPTPMap d₃ d₄) :

A channel Λ₁ Emulates another channel Λ₂ if there are D and E such that D∘Λ₁∘E = Λ₂.

Instances For
    def CPTPMap.εApproximates {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] (A B : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (ε : ) :

    A channel A εApproximates channel B of the same dimensions if the for every state ρ, the fidelity F(A(ρ), B(ρ)) is at least 1-ε.

    Instances For
      def CPTPMap.AchievesRate {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (A : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (R : ) :

      A channel A AchievesRate R:ℝ if for every ε>0, some n copies of A emulates a channel B such that log2(dimout(B))/n ≥ R, and that B εApproximates the identity channel.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        noncomputable def CPTPMap.quantumCapacity {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (A : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :
        Instances For
          theorem CPTPMap.emulates_self {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :
          Λ.Emulates Λ

          Every quantum channel emulates itself.

          theorem CPTPMap.emulates_trans {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} {d₃ : Type u_3} {d₄ : Type u_4} {d₅ : Type u_5} {d₆ : Type u_6} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [Fintype d₃] [Fintype d₄] [Fintype d₅] [Fintype d₆] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] [DecidableEq d₃] [DecidableEq d₄] [DecidableEq d₅] (Λ₁ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (Λ₂ : CPTPMap d₃ d₄) (Λ₃ : CPTPMap d₅ d₆) (h₁₂ : Λ₁.Emulates Λ₂) (h₂₃ : Λ₂.Emulates Λ₃) :
          Λ₁.Emulates Λ₃

          If a quantum channel A emulates B, and B emulates C, then A emulates C.

          theorem CPTPMap.εApproximates_self {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

          Every quantum channel perfectly approximates itself, that is, εApproximates with ε = 0.

          theorem CPTPMap.εApproximates_monotone {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] {A B : CPTPMap d₁ d₂} {ε₀ : } (h : A.εApproximates B ε₀) {ε₁ : } (h₂ : ε₀ ε₁) :
          A.εApproximates B ε₁

          If a quantum channel A approximates B with ε₀, it also approximates B with all larger ε₁.

          theorem CPTPMap.achievesRate_0 {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

          Every quantum channel achieves a rate of zero.

          The identity channel on D dimensional space achieves a rate of log2(D).

          theorem CPTPMap.not_achievesRate_gt_log_dim_in {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) {R : } (hR : Real.logb 2 (Fintype.card d₁) < R) :

          A channel cannot achieve a rate greater than log2(D), where D is the input dimension.

          theorem CPTPMap.not_achievesRate_gt_log_dim_out {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) {R : } (hR : Real.logb 2 (Fintype.card d₂) < R) :

          A channel cannot achieve a rate greater than log2(D), where D is the output dimension.

          theorem CPTPMap.bddAbove_achievesRate {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

          The achievable rates are a bounded set.

          theorem CPTPMap.zero_le_quantumCapacity {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

          Quantum channel capacity is nonnegative.

          theorem CPTPMap.quantumCapacity_ge_log_dim_in {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) :

          Quantum channel capacity is at most log2(D), where D is the input dimension.

          theorem CPTPMap.coherentInfo_le_quantumCapacity {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (ρ : MState d₁) :

          The LSD (Lloyd-Shor-Devetak) theorem: the quantum capacity is at least as large the single-copy coherent information. The "coherent information" is used in literature to refer to both a function of state and a channel (coherentInfo), or a function of just a channel. In the latter case, the state is implicitly maximized over. Here we use the former definition and state that the lower bound is true for all states.

          theorem CPTPMap.quantumCapacity_eq_piProd_coherentInfo {d₁ : Type u_1} {d₂ : Type u_2} [Fintype d₁] [Fintype d₂] [DecidableEq d₁] [DecidableEq d₂] (Λ : CPTPMap d₁ d₂) (ρ : MState d₁) :
          Λ.quantumCapacity = sSup {r : | ∃ (n : ) (ρ : MState (Fin nd₁)), r = coherentInfo ρ (piProd fun (x : Fin n) => Λ)}

          The quantum capacity is the limit of the coherent information of n-copy uses of the channel.