

The Hamiltonian for an ideal gas: particles live in a cube of volume V^(1/3), and each contributes an energy p^2/2. The per-particle mass is normalized to 1.

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Instances For
    theorem IdealGas.PartitionZ_eq (n : ) {V β : } (hV : 0 < V) (hβ : 0 < β) :
    MicroHamiltonian.PartitionZ IdealGas (n, V) β = V ^ n * (2 * Real.pi / β) ^ (3 * n / 2)

    The partition function Z for an ideal gas.

    theorem IdealGas.HelmholtzA_eq (n : ) {V T : } (hV : 0 < V) (hT : 0 < T) :

    The Helmholtz Free Energy A for an ideal gas.

    theorem IdealGas.ZIntegrable (n : ) {V β : } (hV : 0 < V) (hβ : 0 < β) :
    theorem IdealGas.IdealGasLaw (n : ) {V T : } (hV : 0 < V) (hT : 0 < T) :
    let P := IdealGas.Pressure (n, V) T; let R := 1; P * V = n * R * T

    The ideal gas law: PV = nRT. In our unitsless system, R = 1.