

Unitary operators on quantum state #

This file is intended for lemmas about unitary matrices (Matrix.unitaryGroup) and how they apply to Bras, Kets, and MState mixed states.

This is imported by CPTPMap to define things like unitary channels, Kraus operators, and complementary channels, so this file itself does not discuss channels yet.

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Instances For
    def MState.U_conj {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] (ρ : MState d) (U : 𝐔[d]) :

    Conjugate a state by a unitary matrix (applying the unitary as an evolution).

    • ρ.U_conj U = { toSubtype := U * ρ.m * (star U), , zero_le := , tr := }
    Instances For
      theorem MState.U_conj_spectrum_eq {d : Type u_1} [Fintype d] [DecidableEq d] (ρ : MState d) (U : 𝐔[d]) :
      ∃ (σ : d d), (ρ.U_conj U).spectrum = ρ.spectrum.relabel σ