

The Degradable Order #

We define the "degradable order" on channels, where M ≤ N if N can be degraded to M. This is a scoped instance, because there are other reasonable orders on channels.

The degradable order is actually only a preorder, because channels that are degradable to each other are not necessarily equal. (For instance, unitary channels are degradable to the identity and vice versa.) It can compare channels of different output dimensions, but they must have the same input dimension. For this reason the DegradablePreorder is parameterized by the channel input type.

One might hope that if this was defined on the quotient type of "channels up to unitary equivalence" that it would become an order; but this is not the case. That is, there are channels A → B that are degradable to each other, but cannot be degraded to each other by unitary operations. For instance, let A be the replacement channel that goes to a mixed state, and B be a replacement channel that goes to a pure state.

Technical notes: to model "channels of different output types", the preorder is on the Sigma type of channels parameterized by their output type. And since the output type needs to be a Fintype and DecidableEq, the argument is also a Sigma to bring this along.

def DegradablePreorder (dIn : Type u_1) [Fintype dIn] [DecidableEq dIn] :
Preorder ((dOut : (t : Type u_2) × Fintype t × DecidableEq t) × let x := dOut.snd.1; CPTPMap dIn dOut.fst)
Instances For